Y18 Website User's Guide
Y 1 8 網站使用指南 II
In the user's guide part I, we introduced some special features of the website. This time we are going to explain why there is an difference in prices on the same product and guide your purchase :
Suppose that we now search "Calon Segur 2012 (750ml)" using the search engine on Y18 website

The page shows various products with the same product name Calon Segur 2012 (750ml). However, the prices are different.

Q1. Why some products shown on the website have the same product name but different prices?
The reasons can be the difference in cost, packaging or whether is it currently in stock or pre-order. Also, some of the prices require minimum order quantity.
Q2. Will the difference in prices affect the quality of the product?
A2. The difference in prices will not affect the quality of the product. If the wine label is damaged or the fill level is not high enough, there will be special remarks. In case customers would like to see the actual condition of the wine, we can take and send photos for their reference.
Q3. When the prices are different, which one should be chosen for placing an order?
A3. We suggest customers to directly choose the one with the lowest price for placing an order on our website. If there is any special problem or requirement, customers may contact us for help.
Y18 網站的自助下單服務一向安全可靠,且方便快捷,操作簡單,可為顧客節省不少訂購的時間。以下我們將介紹一些關於網上下單的特別須知:
Y18's website has always been providing an online ordering service which is safe, reliable, convenient and efficient. It helps reduce customer's time spent on placing order. Some special instructions will be presented below :
1. Create Account 成為會員
Customers who have never ordered from our website or in our office
Usage : Customers who have never ordered from our website of in our office before may press "Continue" under "New Customer" to create a new account.

Usage : Press "Login" at the top right hand corner on the website
Customers who have already been to our office but have never used our online service

Usage : Customers who have already been to our office for purchase and would like to use our online service for the first time do not need to create a new account again because they have already filled in their personal information and email address in our office after the first purchase. Their online account is already created and they may login directly with their email address. If the login password has never been modified, it is preset as customer's phone number. If the login password is incorrect, customers may send us an email to reset a new password.
2. Self-ordering 自助下單
We strongly recommend customers to use our online self-service to choose the products they want and place order. The act may largely reduce customer's time spent on phone ordering. If there is any problem, we will contact them shortly after we received the order.

Some customers worry that they may not be able to make any amendments once they have submitted the order, but they certainly can do. On the webpage of performing checkout, in "Step 5 Payment Method" they may choose "Bank Transfer" and they do not need to pay immediately. After submitting the order, they can change the ordering amount and information anytime or even cancel the order with no cancellation fee. There is no commitment and no forced purchase so customers may place any order on the website first.
We hope the above features of Y18 website can help facilitate your online ordering process.
If customers still have any inquiries about the usage of our website, please feel free to contact us.