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Y18 Elegant Spirits Ltd

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Private Wine Storage and Logistics Service



Y18 Elegant Spirits Ltd offers customer oriented, comprehensive and professional wine storage, as well as domestic distribution and logistics management. We have a climate-controlled facilities warehouse and professional wine transport distribution fleet which can provide a” one-stop” wine logistics solutions as well as other value-added services.



1.      Temperature & Humidity Control Wine Storage (19 – 21C, >50% RH):


(By each order IN but not by account)

6 bottles per item per case per month   HK$30


12 bottles per item per case per month  HK$50


2.      Storage Handling


Throughput IN and OUT per item per case HK$25


3. Temperature & Humidity Control Delivery/Pick-up Service


Delivery/pick-up charge per drop point (included first 5 cases)


Hong Kong, Kowloon & New Territories HK$150


Tung Chung & Chek Lap Kok Airport (include tunnel and bridge charges) HK$450


Discovery Bay HK$450


Addition per case delivery charges HK$15


Courier waybill & repacking handling services HK$30


Self-pick up Free


Stair fee (per case per floor) HK$30

Buildings without lift or for product that can only access through staircases, there will be additional delivery charge of HKD$30 per floor, maximum of 7 floors. 

These shall be paid to the delivery staff directly




If you have only 3 bottles of particular wine in store, you will be charged for one unit of 6 (HK$30) equivalent. Likewise, if you have 9 bottles in store, you will be charged for one unit of 12 (HK$50).

Larger format bottles are broken down into bottle equivalents and charged as above.

Private Wine Storage and Logistics Service