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Y18 Elegant Spirits Ltd

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Realm Cellars The Bard Proprietary Blend 2021 (750ml)

  • Product Code: A-5146-A3
  • Brand: 750ml
  • Availability: In Stock

HK$1,400.00 HK$1,680.00

Winemaker Notes

The 2021 is the largest and most complex blend we've ever made with dozens of components from vineyards across the realm of Napa Valley. This vintage includes new vineyard sources from Calistoga, Rutherford and Oak Knoll AVA, allowing us to broaden our painter’s palette. The Bard is generally more approachable in its youth than some of our single vineyard bottlings, but we expect it to age for many years to come. This is our first time using a technical cork for this wine, which should guarantee consistency and improve longevity.
Blend: 83% Cabernet Sauvignon, 7% Merlot, 6% Cabernet Franc, 3% Petit Verdot, 1% Petite Sirah.

2021 年份酒是我們用來自納帕谷葡萄園的數十種成分釀造的規模最大、最複雜的混釀葡萄酒。 這個年份包括來自卡利斯託加、盧瑟福和橡樹諾爾 AVA 的新葡萄園,使我們能夠拓寬畫家的調色板。 與我們的一些單一葡萄園裝瓶相比,巴德酒在年輕時通常更平易近人,但我們預計它將在未來許多年裡陳釀。 這是我們第一次在這款酒中使用技術軟木塞,這應該可以保證一致性並提高壽命。
混釀:83% 赤霞珠、7% 梅洛、6% 品麗珠、3% 小維多、1% 小西拉。

98 Jeb Dunnuck

Lastly, the 2021 The Bard checks in as 83% Cabernet Sauvignon, 7% Merlot, 6% Cabernet Franc, and the rest Petit Verdot and Petite Sirah. This beauty has a killer bouquet of cassis, spring flowers, graphite, chalky minerality, and violets. This carries to a full-bodied, seamless, silky, flawlessly balanced effort revealing fine tannins, a good sense of freshness, and a thrilling finish.

2021 年份 The Bard 的成分為 83% 赤霞珠、7% 梅洛、6% 品麗珠,其餘為小維多和小西拉。這種美麗具有黑醋栗、春天的花朵、石墨、白堊礦物和紫羅蘭的殺手香氣。酒體飽滿、無縫、絲滑、完美平衡,展現出細膩的單寧、良好的清新感和令人興奮的餘味。

97 James Suckling

The purity of fruit here is impressive with blackcurrants, bark and black mushrooms. Full-bodied but light-footed and fresh with integrated tannins that melt into the wine. Real transparency and focus. 83% cabernet sauvignon, 7% merlot, 6% cabernet franc, 3% petit verdot and 1% petite sirah. So drinkable but can age as well.

這裡的水果純度令人印象深刻,包括黑醋栗、樹皮和黑蘑菇。酒體濃鬱但輕盈清新,單寧融入葡萄酒中。真正的透明度和焦點。 83% 赤霞珠、7% 梅洛、6% 品麗珠、3% 小維多和 1% 小西拉。非常適合飲用,但也可以陳年。

97 Decanter

After sampling 86 wines over a two-day marathon tasting with Realm Cellars co-owners Scott Becker and winemaker Benoit Touquette, I had no doubt that one would make my top 10 list of the year. It would be The Bard, which will be available beginning in 2024. It is a very giving wine that promises great rewards for long-term cellaring and is enjoyable three full nights in a row, never losing its zeal if having one great glass each night is your prerogative. Power and muscle frame the core of this towering red, with its red-toned fruits and rich, toasty oak spices nuanced by bay Laurel and pastis. Full-bodied with tremendous decadence of chocolaty tannins that are pliant and billowy, lifted by supple blackberry and black raspberry fruit, a drizzle of cherry coulis, and resolving with refined tobacco, cedar wood spices, and laced with coriander and cumin aromatics. It has a satisfyingly rich finish. Number five of my top 10 wines of 2023.

在與Realm Cellars 共同所有人斯科特·貝克爾(Scott Becker) 和釀酒師伯努瓦·圖奎特(Benoit Touquette) 為期兩天的馬拉松式品酒會中品嚐了86 種葡萄酒後,我毫不懷疑其中一款會躋身我的年度十大葡萄酒之列。這就是The Bard,將於2024 年開始上市。這是一款非常有奉獻精神的葡萄酒,長期窖藏會帶來豐厚的回報,連續三個晚上都可以享受,如果每晚喝一杯,永遠不會失去它的熱情是你的特權。力量和肌肉構成了這款高聳的紅酒的核心,其紅色的水果和濃鬱的烤橡木香料與月桂樹和茴香酒的味道微妙。酒體飽滿,巧克力單寧柔韌而飄逸,被柔軟的黑莓和黑覆盆子果味、少許櫻桃果醬所提升,並與精製煙草、雪松木香料以及香菜和小茴香的芳香融為一體。它具有令人滿意的豐富餘韻。在我的 2023 年十大葡萄酒中排名第五。

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